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Sponsorship Ideas

Would you like to sponsor a Home Farm either as an individual or a group, a business, a school or an organization?

You can give the farm a name, we will keep you regularly informed of the development, and you can meet the young men and their families that you've helped via video footage.

Sponsorship of a complete Home Farm for one village at today's prices is estimated at £5,000.

There are 10 elements in each Home Farm. We have kept detailed records of expenditure during our years of development, but it is difficult to keep constant track of prices as inflation rises so erratically. I have estimated therefore that D25,000 (about £500) per element should cover everything.

The 10 elements that make up each Home Farm are:

  • The Well comprising of 6 concrete rings below the water, plastering down to water level and a raised wall at ground level. Local professionals will do the well digging. D25,000
  • Legal land transfer and Registration costs. Wire fencing. We supply the live-fencing from our tree nursery. The young men of the village supply all the labour. D25,000
  • Watchman's Hut, Store and Stable comprising of corrugated roofing, palm timbers, mud block walls and cement flooring. Built by the young men themselves (with a bit of help from others within the local community). D25,000
  • The Header Tank and plastic Pipework is purchased in Kombo. The Garden Tanks are made from home made cement blocks and built by the young men under guidance from the Home Farm Team. D25,000
  • Trees, Plants and Seeds for the first 6 months (unless saved seeds are available from other gardens). Tools and Equipment - all available either locally or from markets in the Kombo area. D25,000
  • The Solar Panels are purchased from a local supplier by the Home Farm Team. D25,000
  • The Solar Pump is purchased from a supplier in Kombo and installed and tested by a qualified volunteer helped by the Home Farm Team with the young men supplying the labour. D25,000
  • A Horse and 4 sheep are purchased from local traders, (unless "home grown" ones are available through our livestock breeding program). We took advice from the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust as to what special care a working horse in the Gambia requires, including medication, feeding and housing. An ITC extension worker will also visit monthly to give the animals a health check. D25,000
  • Rice for volunteers and full time salaries for the Home Farm Team. D25,000
  • Admin costs and petrol for the landrover for essential trips upcountry transporting equipment. Fares for personnel, including myself, using the public transport system - which comprises of taking a Bush Taxi part way, transferring to a canoe to cross the bolong, (a tributary of the River Gambia), then being collected for a 1½ hour ride on the horse cart by the young men from Bush Town. Either way (public or private transport) the trip takes approximately 7 hours. D25,000.

What better gift could anyone give than the gift of a fulfilling life. And you can give that gift yourself. First-hand. Direct. No big agencies, no corruption, no hidden extras. I am living in the Gambia for most of the year and I administer the project myself. Every penny that comes in goes where it is needed.

Please contact Sandy or Bee Hancox if you are interested in sponsoring all or part of a Home Farm.

Contact Sandy Martin at
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© 2006 Inclusive. Intellectual Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights of Home Farm Project.